Why Should You Use Electronic Pressure Gauges?

Pressure gauges are an integral part of any drilling setup as they provide accurate pressure readings, which can help your firm drill efficiently. Analog pressure gauges have been used for a long time, but they’re losing popularity due to their inability to work in harsh conditions and provide accurate readings.

The majority of drilling firms in today’s era prefer to use electronic pressure gauges due to their user-friendly nature and low costs. In this blog, we’ve listed some of the common benefits of using an electronic pressure gauge.

An electronic pressure gauge.

Electronic Pressure Gauges Are Durable

It's no secret that drilling is conducted in extreme environments. Whether it's in the middle of the ocean or remote places on the ground, you need strong equipment to withstand extreme conditions. This is why many companies are switching from analog to electronic pressure gauges.

An electronic pressure gauge is usually made from stainless steel or aluminum, which allows it to endure potential cracks. These gauges are covered with plastic to ensure they aren’t damaged by flying debris or hazardous chemicals.

They Are Easy To Read

While oil drilling is a complex process, you’d want to make it as easy for your workers as possible. An excellent way to do this is by getting an electronic pressure gauge with a large and user-friendly display.

Modern electronic gauges also have a backlight to ensure you can easily view the readings in low-light conditions.

They Can Be Customized

Every oil drilling rig isn't the same. With different conditions, you’ll have to slightly tweak your equipment. With analog gauges, you might have to buy a new one for every drilling rig, but that’s not the case with electronic gauges. You can easily customize them as per your specifications to get precise readings.

A digital pressure gauge

Buy Durable Electronic Gauges At Affordable Rates!

Low-quality electronic gauges will give inaccurate readings, which can hamper your productivity. In oil and gas drilling rigs, one small mistake can be costly, which is why you shouldn’t compromise when buying drilling rig equipment.

If you’re looking for high-quality drilling products, the experts at Contact Instruments can help you out. The company has been working in this industry for over ninety years and has created top-quality electronic gauges for its clients.

Their online platform has numerous products, including weight indicator systems, torque gauges, standpipe pressure gauges, custom cables, mud gauges, and many other useful drilling instruments.

Reach out to them today for more information. 


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