The Importance of Cables in The Oil and Gas Industry

You may not think of cables as a crucial component of the oilfield, but they do play a vital role in the oil & gas industry. As an integral part of many types of machinery on-site, they also pose a safety risk if not utilized properly. Here we will explain the significance of cables in the oil & gas industry.

custom cables in an industrial setting.

Monitor Cables Regularly

Like other machinery on your site, you need to monitor your cables to ensure they function normally. Damaged, overused,and poor-quality cables will fail and have the potential to cause massive damage to your site. As with any other tool, cables get worn out over time. Therefore, they require regular maintenance.


Determine the workload capacity of your cables using the design factors suggested by organizations such as OSHA, ANSI, and ASME. Maintain the workloads according to these guidelines throughout the industrial process. Be aware that the limits and capability of cables will change over time due to wear. Have a preventive maintenance schedule and record the work being done.

Factors Affecting Cable Performance

Various aspects can affect cable performance. As mentioned, you’d need to conduct regular inspections to ensure that the cables are working at an optimum level. Uneven, worn, or improper sheaves can impact cables, so make sure that you look out for these things. Ensure cables are not tangled and there are no knots in the wires.

Oilfields and sites are exposed to tough weather conditions, and you should only use cables that are resistant to such extreme temperatures. Make sure there is minimum exposure of moisture, and the cables are kept away from corrosive materials. Cables should be lubricated properly to avoid friction, and educate your workers in handling these wires, as the last thing you’d want is your workers suffering from safety incidents due to cables.


Cables are essential for a well-functioning oilfield, and you should only use the best available ones to ensure the safety of your workers and site. If you’re looking for quality cables and reliable OEM drilling instrumentation for your oilfield, then have a look at Contact Instruments.


They provide high-quality cables and other equipment such as torque turn computer cable, custom cables, overmolded cables, drilling mud pumps, standpipe pressure gauges, load cells and pressure sensors, and much more. Check out their website for their complete range of products and services, or contact them today for your instrumentation needs.




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