3 Common Misconceptions About Overmolded Cable Assemblies

Overmolded cables are used by nearly every industry due to their ability to make cables durable and increase their longevity. However, as is the case with most products that gain traction, scepticism breeds misconceptions and widely believed myths!


Right and wrong road signage.

More goes into the production of overmolded cables than what meets the eye. Before giving in to the hype or the negativity, here are some common misconceptions that we will address and correct for you.

Overmolded Cables Are Very Expensive


As is the case with most high-quality products, you will have to put in more money in the beginning. Compared to generic cable assembly, overmolding cables can cost a bit more, that’s definitely true.


However, many people fail to note the long-term benefits of shelling the extra money in the beginning. Depending on your overmolding material, you can shield your cables from dust and debris, UV harm, strains, and regular wear and tear for much longer, which means no regular replacements. So, you get more than your money’s worth in the long term, making it just as affordable.

Custom Overmolded Cables Take Long To Manufacture


It’s understandable to assume that anything that is customized might take longer than usual. This myth has stuck to custom overmolded cables for far too long and is turning people away from ordering custom overmolded cables that could put their development team at ease!


However, the age-old assumption that custom means time-consuming is outdated! With recent advancements in the manufacturing industry, it’s easier than ever for companies to deliver your overmolded cables on time. All you have to worry about is giving your requirements over to a qualified team, and sure enough, you’ll have your custom overmolded cables with you in no time.

Overmolded Cables Are Not High Priority



A very dangerous misconception, putting off buying overmolded cables can be a troublesome experience for you sooner than you would know! During production, your development team will have overmolded cables in their top 5 list of things they need, and it’s essential to pay attention to that list.


Overlooking their needs and skimping on cable protection can lead to electrical malfunctions that not only sets your production back, but can lead to injuries among staff.


Get in touch with Contact Instruments today to get your hand on custom-made overmolded cables delivered to you on time. Contact them today for more information.


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